Ryan & Adam after ther 2nd place open class at the TN RIVER BEAGLE CLUB

Me and Ryan after his 2nd place win.

Ryan enjoying the win.

James attended with Ryan at the hunt. In the Club house. 

Cast board at Tn River Beagle Club.

Ryan with Master Of Hounds Terry Vanosdale.

Adam takes 1st with Major at the Southern Ky Beagle Club.Ryan on the left and there buddy Logan on right.

From L- R Logan, Adam, Major, and Ryan w/ 1st place trophy.

Adam watching Major put the pressure on the rabbit in the cast.

Running them in the final cast of the open bracket in Albany.

Major taking the rabbit to the judge.

Gathering the hounds at the end of winners bracket.  Adam and Major wins 1st place.

Signing of the card in the winners cast. Judges from left:Howard Eagleton and Charles Johnson

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